Placeholder SEP Talks Carouge Episode 2: Robert Genillard's Insights – SEP Italia Srl


SEP TALKS Carouge #2: Robert Genillard

SEP TALKS Carouge #2: Robert Genillard

Posted on May 17 2023

🌟Robert Genillard made his first short film while he was a teenager. Communication has been his profession for decades, mainly in the world of film-making and advertising. He worked on famous campaigns for large consumer brands, which we have all seen as we grew up. Now he is taking his hobby, photography, more and more seriously. There is no retouch in his photos, the opposite of all those campaigns he created, where the sea had to look an impossibly perfect blue and had to take up the bottom third of the image, with the other two thirds dedicated to a burning sunset and a pastel coloured sky respectively. He is throwing all the rules out of the window, he is letting his inner child take over and he shoots nature the way nature really is: perfect, with no need of post-production. Painstakingly, he waits for the perfect moment, when the light and the lens will allow us to see what he sees, is the perfect shapes and colours of nature. He finds this exercise akin to meditation and he hopes that those of us who observe his work will feel the calm and beauty that he wants to convey with his work.

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    1. 31st MAY 17:00-18:30 Irene Venetsanou, Ceramist
    2. 26th SEPTEMBER 17:00-18:30 Isabelle Muller

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