Placeholder Top 3 Ethical Gifts for Him from SEP Jordan – SEP Italia Srl


Top 3 Gifts for HIM

Top 3 Gifts for HIM

Posted on September 29 2017

1. Gray Linen Shawl, Embroidered Long Edge

He has everything, he does not need anything, what shall I get HIM? Several months a year, he will be wearing a scarf. Linen was widely worn in Ancient Egypt, because it keeps you warm when you are cold and cools you down when you are hot. The SEP linen shawls are perfect for sensitive skin: HE will wear it all winter… and maybe in summer too! Choose the pattern and color that suits him best and if you need help pick, just drop us a line!


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 2. The Chaker Scarf

Designed with best-selling author Chaker Khazaal and worn by Roger Waters of the Pink Floyd and Italian author Fabio Volo among others, this dark kuffyieh featuring a beautiful and discrete corner embroidery will become HIS “Linus Blanket”!


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3. The Sultan Han Cap

A hand-embroidered, stylish, fun cotton cap: the Sultan Han pattern, first seen in the 1200’s in a caravanserai in Turkey, is a metaphor for HIS relentless brain activity. Pick pink or orange for this perfect stocking-filler.


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