Placeholder MADE51 X SEP Jordan – SEP Italia Srl


MADE51 X SEP Jordan

MADE 51 is a global brand of artisanal products, crafted by refugees, brought to life by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.

As an official MADE 51 partner, SEP Jordan collaborates directly with Syrian refugee artists, to develop and produce a unique line within the MADE 51 collection.
Our MADE51 line of shawls and phone pouches is produced by refugee embroidery artists from Syria living in Jordan. All the other SEP Jordan creations are embroidered by artists who are either Syrian or Palestinian refugees in Jordan.We import high quality linen from Italy and embroider it with cotton threads, which makes all our products washable and long-lasting.


Each MADE 51 product is a tangible symbol of hope – offering refugees a chance to earn an income, preserve their culture, and contribute to their host communities.
To see the whole collection visit MADE51 website HERE.
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